XIX secoli a Villa Adriana
Interferenze e folgorazioni iconiche (118 – 2018)
Dedicato alla giovane amica Paola Mattioli, che ha profondamente sentito questi luoghi, a cui tanto ha dato…
There is an in-depth relay of interpreters who, from Piranesi to Le Corbusier, searched and exalted the subli-me ars combinatoria that interprets, scans and exalts the vertiginous planimetric scraps realized by Hadrian’s disquiet. Today, after a great solitary Teacher of the “past as a friend” (Aldo Rossi), promptly after another fifty years, another fascinated post-antique like Pier Federico Caliari arrives, to research on the secret of the geometry of the Villa, actively entrenching his new summer Academy of field design: the latter is exciting new generations of students from all over the world, in the name of the presence and the perennial validity of the ancient. This special issue of ‘ANANKE is intended to encourage and follow it in all its positive developments.